If you don’t already have dental coverage or are searching for a better plan, listen up! Open enrollment for medicare has started Saturday, October 15th of this year (2016) and will continue through Wednesday, December 7th. Act on it now before it’s too late. Getting affordable dental care through medicare can be a great option for many. It means saving money on expensive dental costs.

What is open enrollment? How can I find the best dental plan?

Open enrollment is the time where you can change your Medicare coverage if necessary. Even if you don’t plan on switching your insurance plans, be sure to take a look at your current Medicare plan if you have one to ensure the plan isn’t going to change.

After all, you deserve the best of the best coverage. Keep in mind, though, that Medicare typically doesn’t cover typical dental expenses such as biannual dental exams and cleanings and such. However, some Medicare plans do allow for some dental coverage. Know your plan, change your plan if necessary, and use your plan to your best advantage.

Need to find a plan? You can used this plan search tool to find exactly what you’re looking for. Here, you can search for a dental plan that your dentist accepts, search for a plan based on the amount of yearly coverage you may be offered, search based on monthly or yearly costs, or even search based on the procedures you wish to get the most savings on in the future such as orthodontics. You can even search for a new dentist if you plan on switching or want better coverage through a different dentist.

There are two options for dental coverage through Medicare:

1. You can opt for a Medicare Advantage Plan. Opting for dental coverage through Medicare means also opting for coverage typically for other things as well such as hearing, vision, and wellness program coverage in addition to dental coverage. Some find these more ideal and convenient.

2. You can opt to purchase a dental insurance or savings plan by itself. If you’re looking for a very specific dental insurance and/or savings plan, you may find this option to be more ideal. Dental insurance is best for those who often require or expect to have plenty of dental visits each year for preventative care through cleanings and checkups. On the other hand, dental savings plans are typically more flexible and are ideal for those who face oral health-related problems often and require more dental procedures than the average person.

Dental saving plans are typically cheaper than dental insurance plans. You can save anywhere from 10-60% on your dental care. When opting for dental insurance, one must determine if they want to go for an individual plan or a group plan when opting for dental coverage. Individual plans can cost around $350 a year whereas a shared family plan can cost approximately $550 a year. It all comes down to you and/or your family’s needs and what you’ll receive the most benefits and savings from. Don’t be afraid to ask questions regarding different dental insurance or saving plans. Choosing the best one will require some thought before commitment.