Dental abscesses can cause lots of pain.

They can occur for a variety of different reasons from food particles irritating the gums to suffering from a tooth-related issue that persisted without treatment in time.

These painful conditions require dental treatment as soon as possible to ensure further issues don’t occur.

Are there different types of dental abscesses?

Yes, in fact, there are two main types:

Why do I need dental treatment? Can a dental abscess heal on its own?

In the beginning, a dental abscess will have relatively faint symptoms. However, the sooner you receive dental treatment for an abscess, the sooner you’ll experience relief.

A quick dental procedure could certainly help in the short and long run. Plus, it’s important to know that abscesses usually don’t heal on their own; they typically get worse as time goes on without treatment. Overtime, this abscess could potentially turn into a fluid-filled sack called a cyst, usually requiring surgical removal at that point. However, getting an abscess treated sooner will reduce a lot of pain, avoid higher medical/dental costs, and of course, prevent the transformation into a painful cyst.

Some may be tempted to tough out an oral abscess or even a cyst and just rely on pain relievers when the pain becomes too much to handle; however, the best and safest option is to get professional treatment as soon as possible. Your oral health and general health is important, and treating this condition earlier on could mean a better recovery and healing process.

If you think putting off treatment is ideal in aims to save money, the better route to go is to rely on dental insurance or make use of your dental savings plan, if you have one. If you don’t have insurance or a savings plan, you can search for a reliable one at that meet your specific needs and provide coverage for your abscess or cyst removal treatment. It’s important that you find some way to afford treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage and to ensure your oral health is top notch.