Just like any other tooth in the mouth, it’s vital to clean and care for dental implants properly.

However, what some people concern about is whether or not dental implants can receive cavities.

This is typically a deal-breaker for many who are interested in dental implants.

So, can implants receive cavities?

The answer is a short and simple no. However, because dental implants are still a component of your mouth, it’s a must to clean and care for them like any other tooth in the mouth. Failure to do so can cause an infection as oral bacteria begins to stick onto your implant and the surrounding areas.

In severe cases, lack of cleaning and caring for your implant can become so severely infected around the implant that you have to have it removed. Sometimes your mouth will even reject it. Knowing this, one should care for their implant more than ever.

It’s vital that you follow your dentist’s and surgeon’s instructions regarding keeping your implant clean. Whether your implant is permanent or removable, the same oral care should be provided. Because our mouths are full of oral bacteria, we must ensure both our natural and false teeth are free of this bacteria.

If you are to have problems with your dental implant or find that there is an infection beginning around your implant(s) (or anywhere else in the mouth), it’s important to seek immediate dental care for quick and efficient treatment. Especially for those with dental implants, professional care is vital.

Remember that just like our natural teeth, we must care for them and attend to their needs if we wish to keep them. This is the same for our dental implants. Especially for the cost and procedure of having dental implants put in, your best and safest bet is to care for them now to prevent them from having to be removed in the future. The less you care for your implants, the more you’ll have to potentially pay to have them removed, replaced or have other procedures to heal your mouth. A little extra care never hurt anyone.