Avoiding The Zika Virus

Around 4 million people were infected with the Zika virus by the end of 2016.

While not originated in America, more and more Americans are suffering from the struggle of the ever-spreading virus.

However, Zika isn’t just spread through mosquitos.

It’s also spread through unclean tools and needles in medical/dental offices.

How can you stay safe?

Ways to protect yourself now:

Fortunately, you can keep safe. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Simply being aware of what increases the risk of infection is important. Act now.

Keep your home and surrounding areas as moisture-free as possible. Mosquitos love moisture. One way to keep them away is to clean up moisture inside and outside of your home. Indoor/outdoor leaks, dripping sinks, and overwatered plants are important things to fix. Cleaning up will reduce mosquito problems. Don’t make them feel welcome.

Watch for unhygienic practices. Ensure your piercer or tattoo artist is complying with local and state hygienic laws. Unsterile tools and needles are problematic as there’s a possibility that the unclean object was previously used on one infected with the Zika virus.

One way Zika is transferrable is through blood, so this is a concern. Make sure the dental/medical facilities you attend are ones you trust. Hawaii Family Dental ensures a clean, sterile, and safe environment. Also, check to ensure your tattoo artist or piercer uses a clean needle from an unopened package before use.

Consult a doctor right away if you notice strange outcomes after attending a dental or medical visit, receiving a tattoo, or getting a piercing. Fever, infection, and other problems should be looked out for. Receiving help as soon as possible is important.

Avoid traveling to areas with higher risk of Zika infection. Especially for expecting women, traveling to areas with a higher risk of the Zika Virus should be avoided. Not sure where to avoid? You can check this link for more information. If you must travel, speak with a medical professional for recommendations or guidelines for safer travels.

Opt for mosquito repellent. Especially if you live in an area where the mosquito population is large, consider a repellent. Many mosquito repellents contain an ingredient known as “DEET.”

This ingredient is useful. However, pregnant women and others frightened about DEET should do further research. Additionally, get in contact with a medical professional before opting for a repellent with this ingredient.