De-stressing to improve oral healthWith work, school, and children up our sleeves and the weight of the world on our shoulders, it’s hard to step back, de-stress, and opt to take a vacation.

However, it’s important to keep in mind how rejuvenating a simple vacation or time off can do for us, our emotional state, our health, and even our oral health!

Oral health?

Yes, you read that correctly. What many fail to understand is that a vacation has incredible power to essentially heal our immune system. When we’re stressed, our immunity can become lower, increasing our risk of getting sick and even coming across oral health-related problems such as cavities, gum disease, and gingivitis, for instance.

We need our immunity to continue working hard, so our bodies can fight off bad bacteria and oral bacteria in our bodies.

Here are some affordable “vacations” or stress-free activities you can opt for on your days off you can enjoy: